I’ve been using Grammarly for quite some time. It helped me a lot on all those minor details that I lost because of lots of chattings and cutting short the sentences as much as I could.
How did I get into Grammarly?
It all began when I was reading a couple of my last replies that I sent to our customers, and I was little bummed when I realized that all my sentences kind of sound the same with from time-to-time rookie mistakes on tenses, definite and indefinite articles…
That had to change.
I never had struggles with The English language. It got into my life through games and music when I was a kid. Here in Serbia, we start learning the first foreign language in the fifth grade (at least it was twentyish years ago, now is much earlier), but while all my classmates were learning English alphabet, I was bugging my teacher on translating King Diamond’s songs and help on some game walkthroughs.
One of the significant reasons why I got so hooked with the English language was my five years older brother. He was supporting me all the time, but it was more like guiding than actual forcing me to learn it. When I got stuck with Twinsen’s Odyssey, he did not want to sit by my side and translate to be every single word. Instead, he gave me a dictionary and said: “Use it. Show me you how badly you want to learn and I will help you if you get stuck!” At that time, I remembered how much I “hated” him for not helping me.
Later, I will realize that was the greatest favors he could provide.
Back to Grammarly. It looks classy. It feels right. I like their editor. It is plain simple, and I am still testing out all the Premium features there are. So far my favorite ones are the Document type (where you can request what kind of style you want to write like) and Vocabulary enhancement. Both slick and easy to use.